

Complimentary Health Evaluation

This informative and free 20-minute call is the first step. It allows us to discuss your current health challenges and goals and to determine whether my approach is right for you.

To request your Complimentary Health Evaluation, click the link below! You may also send me a message in the contact form at the bottom of the page. Before our call, I will send you a questionnaire to better understand your current situation and specific concerns.

Individual Sessions

Nutritional Intake Consultation

All services begin with this 60-90 minute initial interview where we address your health concerns, medical/family history, current medications, detailed symptom information, assessment results, and food journal. We work together to create a personalized plan that addresses your health concerns and moves you toward your health goals.

*Contact me for pricing

Follow Up Sessions and Packages

In our follow up sessions, we will review your progress, reassess and adjust the plan if needed, and troubleshoot any difficulties. If you are using functional tests, we review and discuss lab results. We use this time to have an open conversation about recommendations, lifestyle changes, and potential new habits.

*Contact me for pricing

Comprehensive Programs

These programs allow us to work together more intensively to help you make forward, focused progress toward your health goals. 

3 Month Program


Those ready to take action and make changes in the short term. You’re ready to learn more about your body’s function, develop action steps, and take charge of your wellbeing.  


This 3 month program includes intake and follow up forms, email correspondence, as well as personalized guidance and resources over 6 sessions.

This option is designed not only to address your top concerns, but also unearth your foundations, and set yourself up to thrive. You are in the driver’s seat, motivated to make changes swiftly.

One time or monthly payment

*Contact me for pricing information

6 Month Program


Those looking to work on incremental changes for deep, sustainable change. Commit to the time it takes to heal, as you may have had chronic symptoms persist for years or decades.    


This 6 month program offers all necessary intake and follow up forms, unlimited email correspondence, as well as personalized guidance and resources over 12 sessions.

We take a close look at your signs and symptoms, analyze potential root causes, and create a plan together. We examine your reasons to change and clarify your inner motivations. Each month is structured with two visits to 1) take action and 2) check in, with my support the whole way.

One time or monthly payment 

*Contact me for pricing information

Functional Testing

As of May 2022, I offer two functional tests: The GI Map and MRT food sensitivity test. Through samples, lab analysis, and interpretation of results, we can better understand bacterial imbalances and presence of pathogens in the gut. We can also see how your immune system responds to various foods. Thus, your recommendations will be more targeted and specific toward eradication and healing.

This information may prove to be invaluable in your health journey. However, ordering these tests will incur an additional cost for lab analysis, interpretation, and protocol development. The 3 or 6 month package pricing is recommended for best success.

Read more about these tests from the labs that offer them by clicking on the buttons to the right.

Additional Services

“Grocery Run”

San Luis Obispo county locals may book a 60-90 minute session as we take a tour through a grocery store together. Ideally, we use the information from your MRT food sensitivity test to examine labels and ingredients and find food that fit into your program. These can be better brand pantry swaps, meal and snack ideas, batch cooking inspiration, and more.


Workshops, Retreats, & Catering

I lead in person or virtual workshops for your business, speaking directly to clients about foundational health, gut healing, lifestyle hacks, open question and answer, and more.

It is a joy for me. to cook for your retreat or special event. Providing nutrient dense, balanced meals and working around any food sensitivities is my specialty.



Have a question?

Reach out!

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“Chloe has helped me tremendously! Her guidance has helped me feel the healthiest I’ve felt in a long time, not just physically but mentally too. She is understanding, knowledgable, and focuses on your specific goals. I appreciate her long term health approach of overall wellbeing. I seriously can’t thank Chloe enough.”



What do I bring to my appointment?

All sessions are virtual. Bring your best self to our meeting ready to describe your current conditions, lifestyle and habits, your dreams and goals and anything else you’d like to share!

How much do I share?

This is completely up to you. We can go into depth with personal & family history of symptoms and conditions, aiming for understanding and addressing root causes. We can work to manage your current symptoms and make improvements that satisfy your goals. The deeper you go, the more you may benefit from this work.

Book a Free Consultation

This 20 minute call will give you clarity and insight into the ways my approach can assist in you achieving your goals. It is a chance to get to know one another, ask questions that haven’t been answered, and determine the next course of action.

“What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.”

-Henry David Thoreau

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